Perfectly Boiled Potatoes: A Simple and Comforting Side Dish Recipe

Nov 19, 2023 | Side Dishes


Prep Time

Cooking Time

10 minutes
20 minutes


  • 2 pounds of potatoes (russet, Yukon gold, or any variety suitable for boiling)
  • Water, enough to cover the potatoes
  • Salt, to taste


  1. Get started by peeling the 2 pounds of potatoes. It’s okay if you leave a few patches of skin for added texture and flavor. Once peeled, chop the potatoes into evenly-sized chunks, about 1 ½ to 2-inch pieces.
  2. In a large pot, add enough water to comfortably cover the potatoes, but not drown them in excess. Every culinary adventure needs a generous pinch of salt, so season the water with a sprinkle that makes you happy.
  3. Place the pot on the stove over high heat. Allow the water to come to a boil, eagerly waiting as steam dances above the pot. Once it reaches a rolling boil, carefully add your chopped potatoes.
  4. Lower the heat to medium-high, ensuring a steady but not overly vigorous boil, and simmer the potatoes. It usually takes around 15-20 minutes for them to reach a tender and buttery state. Test their doneness by inserting a fork into a chunk – it should glide through effortlessly.
  5. Once the potatoes are perfectly cooked, drain them in a colander, carefully removing excess water. Be mindful not to mash them unintentionally, as we want distinct and firm chunks.
  6. Now, here comes the secret touch to elevate these humble boiled potatoes. Place them back in the pot over low heat, allowing any residual water to evaporate. This step ensures a dry and fluffy texture, perfect for absorbing any flavors that come their way.
  7. Finally, transfer the potatoes to a serving dish, and if you like, sprinkle them with a touch of salt to taste. You can also toss them with melted butter, fresh herbs like thyme or parsley, or even a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon for a tangy twist.

Tips and Variations:

  • For an added layer of flavor, try boiling the potatoes with a few cloves of garlic or a sprig of rosemary.
  • Feel free to mix different types of potatoes in this recipe for a more nuanced texture and taste.
  • This dish serves as a versatile side for just about any main course. Slice them and add to salads, mash them with a dollop of sour cream, or use as a base for skillet dishes.
  • Leftovers can be refrigerated and used for delicious potato salads or even turned into crispy potato cakes.


As you enjoy the simple pleasure of these boiled potatoes, let your mind wander, reminisce about cherished moments with friends and family gathered around the table. Sometimes, the humblest of recipes can bring us the greatest joy. Prepare this uncomplicated dish, savor its comforting flavors, and let it be a reminder that deliciousness doesn’t always need to be complicated or fancy. Cheers to the timeless classics!

Potatoes Image

Cooking Instructions:

Get started by peeling the 2 pounds of potatoes. It’s okay if you leave a few patches of skin for added texture and flavor. Once peeled, chop the potatoes into evenly-sized chunks, about 1 ½ to 2-inch pieces.

In a large pot, add enough water to comfortably cover the potatoes, but not drown them in excess. Every culinary adventure needs a generous pinch of salt, so season the water with a sprinkle that makes you happy.

Place the pot on the stove over high heat. Allow the water to come to a boil, eagerly waiting as steam dances above the pot. Once it reaches a rolling boil, carefully add your chopped potatoes.

Lower the heat to medium-high, ensuring a steady but not overly vigorous boil, and simmer the potatoes. It usually takes around 15-20 minutes for them to reach a tender and buttery state. Test their doneness by inserting a fork into a chunk – it should glide through effortlessly.

Once the potatoes are perfectly cooked, drain them in a colander, carefully removing excess water. Be mindful not to mash them unintentionally, as we want distinct and firm chunks.

Now, here comes the secret touch to elevate these humble boiled potatoes. Place them back in the pot over low heat, allowing any residual water to evaporate. This step ensures a dry and fluffy texture, perfect for absorbing any flavors that come their way.

Finally, transfer the potatoes to a serving dish, and if you like, sprinkle them with a touch of salt to taste. You can also toss them with melted butter, fresh herbs like thyme or parsley, or even a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon for a tangy twist.

Potatoes Image

Tips and Variations:

  • For an added layer of flavor, try boiling the potatoes with a few cloves of garlic or a sprig of rosemary.
  • Feel free to mix different types of potatoes in this recipe for a more nuanced texture and taste.
  • This dish serves as a versatile side for just about any main course. Slice them and add to salads, mash them with a dollop of sour cream, or use as a base for skillet dishes.
  • Leftovers can be refrigerated and used for delicious potato salads or even turned into crispy potato cakes.


As you enjoy the simple pleasure of these boiled potatoes, let your mind wander, reminisce about cherished moments with friends and family gathered around the table. Sometimes, the humblest of recipes can bring us the greatest joy. Prepare this uncomplicated dish, savor its comforting flavors, and let it be a reminder that deliciousness doesn’t always need to be complicated or fancy. Cheers to the timeless classics!

Potatoes Image

Side Dishes > Perfectly Boiled Potatoes: A Simple and Comforting Side Dish Recipe

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