Flaky Buttermilk Drop Biscuits: A Classic Recipe for Comfort and Joy

Nov 16, 2023 | Baking & Bread


Prep Time

Cooking Time

15 minutes
12-15 minutes


Biscuit Ingredients

– 2 cups all-purpose flour
– 1 tablespoon baking powder
– 1 teaspoon sugar
– 1/2 teaspoon salt
– 1/2 cup unsalted butter, cold and cubed
– 3/4 cup buttermilk
– 1/4 cup melted butter, for brushing (optional)


1. Preheat your oven to 450°F (230°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or silicone mat.

2. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt. The sugar helps counterbalance the acidity of the buttermilk, resulting in a perfectly balanced biscuit.

3. Add the cold, cubed butter to the dry ingredients. Using your fingertips or a pastry cutter, incorporate the butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. This step is crucial for achieving that coveted flaky texture.

4. Pour in the buttermilk and stir gently until just combined. Be careful not to overmix; a few lumps are totally fine. The key to tender biscuits is handling the dough as little as possible.

5. Using a spoon or cookie scoop, drop approximately 1/4 cup of dough onto the baking sheet, spacing them about 2 inches apart. Pro tip: For a nice golden finish, lightly brush the tops of the biscuits with melted butter before baking.

6. Bake in the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes, or until the biscuits are puffed and beautifully golden brown on top. Keep an eye on them, as every oven is slightly different.

7. Remove the biscuits from the oven and let them cool on a wire rack for a few minutes. Serve warm and enjoy the tantalizing aroma that fills your kitchen.

Tips and Suggestions:

Biscuit Tips

– For a savory twist, add shredded cheese, chopped herbs, or crumbled bacon to the dough before baking. Experiment with different combinations to find your favorite flavor profile.
– Feel free to use a mixture of all-purpose and whole wheat flour for a heartier biscuit with a nuttier taste.
– If you don’t have buttermilk on hand, don’t fret! Mix 3/4 cup of regular milk with 1 tablespoon of white vinegar or lemon juice, and let it sit for 5 minutes before using as a substitute.



These tender, buttery drop biscuits are a timeless classic that never fails to bring comfort and joy to the table. Aunt Martha’s recipe holds a special place in my heart, reminding me of the simplicity and love found in home-cooked meals. I hope this recipe becomes a staple in your kitchen and brings back cherished memories with every bite.

Baking & Bread > Flaky Buttermilk Drop Biscuits: A Classic Recipe for Comfort and Joy

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